Battle Chasers: Nightwar

Battle Chasers: Nightwar

开发者: HandyGames

  • 1646天11小时


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  • 2019-06-19


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  • 版本: 1.0.16



    Battle Chasers: Nightwar

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar


    Fixed increased memory usage that came with the cloud save patch so it should work stable again on devices with 2GB RAM!
    For best stability on those devices please try to set to 75% or 50% graphics quality, though.
    Sorry for the inconvenience!


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    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图


    Работает с: iPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XR; iPad Mini 4, 5; iPad Air 2, 3; iPad 5 (2017), iPad 6 (2018); iPad Pro

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar НЕ поддерживает: iPhone 5S, 6, 6 Plus; iPad Air, Mini 2, 3; Ipod Touch

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar - безудержное приключение, вдохновленное великими классическими приставками. Вы погрузитесь глубоко в подземелье, проведете пошаговые бои в классическом формате JRPG и насладитесь захватывающей историей, предлагающей вам исследовать миры. Вы поможете молодой Галли в поисках ее потерянного отца Арамуса - прославленного героя, ушедшего в опасное путешествие. Галли получит помощь от 5 персонажей, ставших героями поневоле: каждый из них обладает уникальными способностями, привилегиями, предметами и навыками прохождения подземелий. Они вместе отправятся на поиски и противостоят опасностям, скрывающимся вдали от цивилизации.

    Источником вдохновения для классических пошаговых боев послужили такие великие консольные ролевые игры. С каждой стороны в тактически сложных боях будут сражаться до трёх бойцов.

    Огромный мир ждет отважных искателей приключений. Раскрывайте секреты в темных и таинственных лесах, приготовьтесь к леденящему ужасу мёрзлых краёв и справьтесь с волнообразным натиском врагов на Арене Толки.

    Каждый из ваших шести героев носит доспехи и оружие и имеет изящные магические украшения - и это всё может быть изготовлено.

    Игра Battle Chasers: Nightwar просто кишит врагами. Бандиты, Звери, Демоны, Элементали, Машины, Нежить - всё, что угодно! Очень важно правильно реагировать на атаки противника. Ваше приключение будет недолгим, если вы не сумеете объединить усилия своих персонажей.

    - Классические пошаговые сражения, вдохновленные великими консольными ролевыми играми, с уникальной системой перезарядки маны и невероятными атаками Battle Burst.
    - Исследуйте потусторонний мир, полный скрытых подземелий, редких боссов и бессистемно появляющихся друзей и врагов.
    - Сгенерированные случайным образом подземелья, требующие действий и заполненные ловушками, головоломками и секретами. Для выживания используйте уникальные навыки прохождения подземелий, которыми обладает каждый герой.
    - Создайте свою группу авантюристов, выбрав трех из шести героев из классической серии комиксов Battle Chasers. Каждый из них обладает уникальными способностями, преимуществами, предметами и навыками прохождения подземелий.
    - Глубоко погрузитесь в процесс созидания, используя уникальную систему избыточной силы ингредиентов для создания легендарных предметов!

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar была первоначально разработана Airship Syndicate.

    Спасибо, что играете в «BATTLE CHASERS: NIGHTWAR»!
    Свяжитесь с HandyGamesTM по адресу:
    Присоединяйтесь к нам в Facebook:handygames
    Подпишитесь на наш канал на YouTube: HandyGames
    Проверьте новости в Twitter: @handy_games
    Следуйте за нами в Instagram: handygames

    Выходные данные:

    © GmbH
  • 版本: 1.0.15



    Battle Chasers: Nightwar

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar


    Now with iCloud support!
    Minor bug fixes


    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 视频
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图


    Работает с: iPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XR; iPad Mini 4, 5; iPad Air 2, 3; iPad 5 (2017), iPad 6 (2018); iPad Pro

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar НЕ поддерживает: iPhone 5S, 6, 6 Plus; iPad Air, Mini 2, 3; Ipod Touch

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar - безудержное приключение, вдохновленное великими классическими приставками. Вы погрузитесь глубоко в подземелье, проведете пошаговые бои в классическом формате JRPG и насладитесь захватывающей историей, предлагающей вам исследовать миры. Вы поможете молодой Галли в поисках ее потерянного отца Арамуса - прославленного героя, ушедшего в опасное путешествие. Галли получит помощь от 5 персонажей, ставших героями поневоле: каждый из них обладает уникальными способностями, привилегиями, предметами и навыками прохождения подземелий. Они вместе отправятся на поиски и противостоят опасностям, скрывающимся вдали от цивилизации.

    Источником вдохновения для классических пошаговых боев послужили такие великие консольные ролевые игры. С каждой стороны в тактически сложных боях будут сражаться до трёх бойцов.

    Огромный мир ждет отважных искателей приключений. Раскрывайте секреты в темных и таинственных лесах, приготовьтесь к леденящему ужасу мёрзлых краёв и справьтесь с волнообразным натиском врагов на Арене Толки.

    Каждый из ваших шести героев носит доспехи и оружие и имеет изящные магические украшения - и это всё может быть изготовлено.

    Игра Battle Chasers: Nightwar просто кишит врагами. Бандиты, Звери, Демоны, Элементали, Машины, Нежить - всё, что угодно! Очень важно правильно реагировать на атаки противника. Ваше приключение будет недолгим, если вы не сумеете объединить усилия своих персонажей.

    - Классические пошаговые сражения, вдохновленные великими консольными ролевыми играми, с уникальной системой перезарядки маны и невероятными атаками Battle Burst.
    - Исследуйте потусторонний мир, полный скрытых подземелий, редких боссов и бессистемно появляющихся друзей и врагов.
    - Сгенерированные случайным образом подземелья, требующие действий и заполненные ловушками, головоломками и секретами. Для выживания используйте уникальные навыки прохождения подземелий, которыми обладает каждый герой.
    - Создайте свою группу авантюристов, выбрав трех из шести героев из классической серии комиксов Battle Chasers. Каждый из них обладает уникальными способностями, преимуществами, предметами и навыками прохождения подземелий.
    - Глубоко погрузитесь в процесс созидания, используя уникальную систему избыточной силы ингредиентов для создания легендарных предметов!

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar была первоначально разработана Airship Syndicate.

    Спасибо, что играете в «BATTLE CHASERS: NIGHTWAR»!
    Свяжитесь с HandyGamesTM по адресу:
    Присоединяйтесь к нам в Facebook:handygames
    Подпишитесь на наш канал на YouTube: HandyGames
    Проверьте новости в Twitter: @handy_games
    Следуйте за нами в Instagram: handygames

    Выходные данные:

    © GmbH
  • 版本: 1.0.14



    Battle Chasers: Nightwar

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar


    Fixed issues when completing Junktown dungeon
    General bug fixes


    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 视频
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    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图


    Работает с: iPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XR; iPad Mini 4, 5; iPad Air 2, 3; iPad 5 (2017), iPad 6 (2018); iPad Pro

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar НЕ поддерживает: iPhone 5S, 6, 6 Plus; iPad Air, Mini 2, 3; Ipod Touch

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar - безудержное приключение, вдохновленное великими классическими приставками. Вы погрузитесь глубоко в подземелье, проведете пошаговые бои в классическом формате JRPG и насладитесь захватывающей историей, предлагающей вам исследовать миры. Вы поможете молодой Галли в поисках ее потерянного отца Арамуса - прославленного героя, ушедшего в опасное путешествие. Галли получит помощь от 5 персонажей, ставших героями поневоле: каждый из них обладает уникальными способностями, привилегиями, предметами и навыками прохождения подземелий. Они вместе отправятся на поиски и противостоят опасностям, скрывающимся вдали от цивилизации.

    Источником вдохновения для классических пошаговых боев послужили такие великие консольные ролевые игры. С каждой стороны в тактически сложных боях будут сражаться до трёх бойцов.

    Огромный мир ждет отважных искателей приключений. Раскрывайте секреты в темных и таинственных лесах, приготовьтесь к леденящему ужасу мёрзлых краёв и справьтесь с волнообразным натиском врагов на Арене Толки.

    Каждый из ваших шести героев носит доспехи и оружие и имеет изящные магические украшения - и это всё может быть изготовлено.

    Игра Battle Chasers: Nightwar просто кишит врагами. Бандиты, Звери, Демоны, Элементали, Машины, Нежить - всё, что угодно! Очень важно правильно реагировать на атаки противника. Ваше приключение будет недолгим, если вы не сумеете объединить усилия своих персонажей.

    - Классические пошаговые сражения, вдохновленные великими консольными ролевыми играми, с уникальной системой перезарядки маны и невероятными атаками Battle Burst.
    - Исследуйте потусторонний мир, полный скрытых подземелий, редких боссов и бессистемно появляющихся друзей и врагов.
    - Сгенерированные случайным образом подземелья, требующие действий и заполненные ловушками, головоломками и секретами. Для выживания используйте уникальные навыки прохождения подземелий, которыми обладает каждый герой.
    - Создайте свою группу авантюристов, выбрав трех из шести героев из классической серии комиксов Battle Chasers. Каждый из них обладает уникальными способностями, преимуществами, предметами и навыками прохождения подземелий.
    - Глубоко погрузитесь в процесс созидания, используя уникальную систему избыточной силы ингредиентов для создания легендарных предметов!

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar была первоначально разработана Airship Syndicate.

    Спасибо, что играете в «BATTLE CHASERS: NIGHTWAR»!
    Свяжитесь с HandyGamesTM по адресу:
    Присоединяйтесь к нам в Facebook:handygames
    Подпишитесь на наш канал на YouTube: HandyGames
    Проверьте новости в Twitter: @handy_games
    Следуйте за нами в Instagram: handygames

    Выходные данные:

    © GmbH
  • 版本: 1.0.13



    Battle Chasers: Nightwar

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar


    Reverted the last patch because it broke some boss fights. Sorry for the inconvenience!


    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 视频
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    Works with: iPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XR; iPad Mini 4, 5; iPad Air 2, 3; iPad 5 (2017), 6 (2018); iPad Pro models
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar DOES NOT support: iPhone 5S, 6, 6 Plus; iPad Air, Mini 2, 3; iPod Touch

    Inspired by the classic console greats, Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a wild adventure featuring deep dungeon diving, turn-based combat presented in a classic JRPG format, and a rich story driven by the exploration of the world. Help young Gully on her quest to find her lost father Aramus – a famous hero, who ventured into the dangerous grounds and mysteriously disappeared. Gully receives help from 5 unlikely heroes, each with their own unique abilities, perks, items and dungeon skills. Together the party will help Gully with her search and discover what dangers lurk in the wilds.

    Use classic turn-based combat tactics! Up to three fighters per side will battle it out, in tactically demanding encounters.

    A huge world awaits brave adventurers! Discover the secrets in the dark and mysterious forests, brace yourself against the icy horrors in frosty regions or fight wave after wave of enemies in Tolka’s Arena!

    Each of your six heroes wears armor, carries a weapon and is equipped with fine magical jewelry – and everything can be crafted.

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar is packed with enemies! Bandits, Beasts, Demons, Elementals, Machines, Undead – you name it! It’s crucial to react properly to the enemy’s attacks. If you don’t synergize the efforts of your heroes, your adventure will be short-lived.

    - Classic turn-based combat inspired by the console RPG greats, with a unique overcharge mana system and incredible Battle Bursts.
    - Action-oriented, randomly-generated dungeons loaded with traps, puzzles, and secrets. Use each hero's unique dungeon skills to survive.
    - Choose three of six available heroes to build your adventuring party from the classic Battle Chasers comic series, each with unique abilities, perks, items, and dungeon skills.
    - Explore an overworld peppered with hidden dungeons, rare bosses and randomly appearing friends and foes.
    - Dive into the deep crafting system, using the unique ingredient-overloading system to create epic items!

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar was originally developed by Airship Syndicate.

    Thank you for playing ‘BATTLE CHASERS: NIGHTWAR’!
    Get in touch with HandyGamesTM:
    Join us on Facebook: HandyGames
    Subscribe to our YouTube channel: HandyGames
    Check news on Twitter: @handy_games
    Follow us on Instagram: handygames


    © GmbH
  • 版本: 1.0.11



    Battle Chasers: Nightwar

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar


    Fixed being stuck after Junktown and having to exit the game in order to continue


    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 视频
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
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    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图


    Works with: iPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XR; iPad Mini 4, 5; iPad Air 2, 3; iPad 5 (2017), 6 (2018); iPad Pro models
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar DOES NOT support: iPhone 5S, 6, 6 Plus; iPad Air, Mini 2, 3; iPod Touch

    Inspired by the classic console greats, Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a wild adventure featuring deep dungeon diving, turn-based combat presented in a classic JRPG format, and a rich story driven by the exploration of the world. Help young Gully on her quest to find her lost father Aramus – a famous hero, who ventured into the dangerous grounds and mysteriously disappeared. Gully receives help from 5 unlikely heroes, each with their own unique abilities, perks, items and dungeon skills. Together the party will help Gully with her search and discover what dangers lurk in the wilds.

    Use classic turn-based combat tactics! Up to three fighters per side will battle it out, in tactically demanding encounters.

    A huge world awaits brave adventurers! Discover the secrets in the dark and mysterious forests, brace yourself against the icy horrors in frosty regions or fight wave after wave of enemies in Tolka’s Arena!

    Each of your six heroes wears armor, carries a weapon and is equipped with fine magical jewelry – and everything can be crafted.

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar is packed with enemies! Bandits, Beasts, Demons, Elementals, Machines, Undead – you name it! It’s crucial to react properly to the enemy’s attacks. If you don’t synergize the efforts of your heroes, your adventure will be short-lived.

    - Classic turn-based combat inspired by the console RPG greats, with a unique overcharge mana system and incredible Battle Bursts.
    - Action-oriented, randomly-generated dungeons loaded with traps, puzzles, and secrets. Use each hero's unique dungeon skills to survive.
    - Choose three of six available heroes to build your adventuring party from the classic Battle Chasers comic series, each with unique abilities, perks, items, and dungeon skills.
    - Explore an overworld peppered with hidden dungeons, rare bosses and randomly appearing friends and foes.
    - Dive into the deep crafting system, using the unique ingredient-overloading system to create epic items!

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar was originally developed by Airship Syndicate.

    Thank you for playing ‘BATTLE CHASERS: NIGHTWAR’!
    Get in touch with HandyGamesTM:
    Join us on Facebook: HandyGames
    Subscribe to our YouTube channel: HandyGames
    Check news on Twitter: @handy_games
    Follow us on Instagram: handygames


    © GmbH
  • 版本: 1.0.10



    Battle Chasers: Nightwar

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar


    Removed accidental debug features - sorry if you liked them


    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 视频
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    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图


    Works with: iPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XR; iPad Mini 4, 5; iPad Air 2, 3; iPad 5 (2017), 6 (2018); iPad Pro models
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar DOES NOT support: iPhone 5S, 6, 6 Plus; iPad Air, Mini 2, 3; iPod Touch

    Inspired by the classic console greats, Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a wild adventure featuring deep dungeon diving, turn-based combat presented in a classic JRPG format, and a rich story driven by the exploration of the world. Help young Gully on her quest to find her lost father Aramus – a famous hero, who ventured into the dangerous grounds and mysteriously disappeared. Gully receives help from 5 unlikely heroes, each with their own unique abilities, perks, items and dungeon skills. Together the party will help Gully with her search and discover what dangers lurk in the wilds.

    Use classic turn-based combat tactics! Up to three fighters per side will battle it out, in tactically demanding encounters.

    A huge world awaits brave adventurers! Discover the secrets in the dark and mysterious forests, brace yourself against the icy horrors in frosty regions or fight wave after wave of enemies in Tolka’s Arena!

    Each of your six heroes wears armor, carries a weapon and is equipped with fine magical jewelry – and everything can be crafted.

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar is packed with enemies! Bandits, Beasts, Demons, Elementals, Machines, Undead – you name it! It’s crucial to react properly to the enemy’s attacks. If you don’t synergize the efforts of your heroes, your adventure will be short-lived.

    - Classic turn-based combat inspired by the console RPG greats, with a unique overcharge mana system and incredible Battle Bursts.
    - Action-oriented, randomly-generated dungeons loaded with traps, puzzles, and secrets. Use each hero's unique dungeon skills to survive.
    - Choose three of six available heroes to build your adventuring party from the classic Battle Chasers comic series, each with unique abilities, perks, items, and dungeon skills.
    - Explore an overworld peppered with hidden dungeons, rare bosses and randomly appearing friends and foes.
    - Dive into the deep crafting system, using the unique ingredient-overloading system to create epic items!

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar was originally developed by Airship Syndicate.

    Thank you for playing ‘BATTLE CHASERS: NIGHTWAR’!
    Get in touch with HandyGamesTM:
    Join us on Facebook: HandyGames
    Subscribe to our YouTube channel: HandyGames
    Check news on Twitter: @handy_games
    Follow us on Instagram: handygames


    © GmbH
  • 版本: 1.0.9



    Battle Chasers: Nightwar

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar


    Fixed a memory spike in certain situations which lead to frequent crashes on 2GB devices, it should run much more stable now. You still might have to set it to 50% quality for better stability on some devices
    Fixed that the sigil couldn't be charged by lightning
    Enabled screen rotate
    Disabled automatic screen lock during cut scenes
    Lost legendary items will now be restored automatically, but we are still investigating the general problem behind losing/duplicating items


    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 视频
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
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    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图


    Works with: iPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XR; iPad Mini 4, 5; iPad Air 2, 3; iPad 5 (2017), 6 (2018); iPad Pro models
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar DOES NOT support: iPhone 5S, 6, 6 Plus; iPad Air, Mini 2, 3; iPod Touch

    Inspired by the classic console greats, Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a wild adventure featuring deep dungeon diving, turn-based combat presented in a classic JRPG format, and a rich story driven by the exploration of the world. Help young Gully on her quest to find her lost father Aramus – a famous hero, who ventured into the dangerous grounds and mysteriously disappeared. Gully receives help from 5 unlikely heroes, each with their own unique abilities, perks, items and dungeon skills. Together the party will help Gully with her search and discover what dangers lurk in the wilds.

    Use classic turn-based combat tactics! Up to three fighters per side will battle it out, in tactically demanding encounters.

    A huge world awaits brave adventurers! Discover the secrets in the dark and mysterious forests, brace yourself against the icy horrors in frosty regions or fight wave after wave of enemies in Tolka’s Arena!

    Each of your six heroes wears armor, carries a weapon and is equipped with fine magical jewelry – and everything can be crafted.

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar is packed with enemies! Bandits, Beasts, Demons, Elementals, Machines, Undead – you name it! It’s crucial to react properly to the enemy’s attacks. If you don’t synergize the efforts of your heroes, your adventure will be short-lived.

    - Classic turn-based combat inspired by the console RPG greats, with a unique overcharge mana system and incredible Battle Bursts.
    - Action-oriented, randomly-generated dungeons loaded with traps, puzzles, and secrets. Use each hero's unique dungeon skills to survive.
    - Choose three of six available heroes to build your adventuring party from the classic Battle Chasers comic series, each with unique abilities, perks, items, and dungeon skills.
    - Explore an overworld peppered with hidden dungeons, rare bosses and randomly appearing friends and foes.
    - Dive into the deep crafting system, using the unique ingredient-overloading system to create epic items!

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar was originally developed by Airship Syndicate.

    Thank you for playing ‘BATTLE CHASERS: NIGHTWAR’!
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  • 版本: 1.0.7



    Battle Chasers: Nightwar

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar


    - Made some memory optimizations that help overall stability and performance, especially in "Junktown"
    - If you still have problems please try to lower the graphics quality setting

    We will keep working on more optimizations so stay tuned!


    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 视频
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图


    Works with: iPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XR; iPad Mini 4, 5; iPad Air 2, 3; iPad 5 (2017), 6 (2018); iPad Pro models
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar DOES NOT support: iPhone 5S, 6, 6 Plus; iPad Air, Mini 2, 3; iPod Touch

    Inspired by the classic console greats, Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a wild adventure featuring deep dungeon diving, turn-based combat presented in a classic JRPG format, and a rich story driven by the exploration of the world. Help young Gully on her quest to find her lost father Aramus – a famous hero, who ventured into the dangerous grounds and mysteriously disappeared. Gully receives help from 5 unlikely heroes, each with their own unique abilities, perks, items and dungeon skills. Together the party will help Gully with her search and discover what dangers lurk in the wilds.

    Use classic turn-based combat tactics! Up to three fighters per side will battle it out, in tactically demanding encounters.

    A huge world awaits brave adventurers! Discover the secrets in the dark and mysterious forests, brace yourself against the icy horrors in frosty regions or fight wave after wave of enemies in Tolka’s Arena!

    Each of your six heroes wears armor, carries a weapon and is equipped with fine magical jewelry – and everything can be crafted.

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar is packed with enemies! Bandits, Beasts, Demons, Elementals, Machines, Undead – you name it! It’s crucial to react properly to the enemy’s attacks. If you don’t synergize the efforts of your heroes, your adventure will be short-lived.

    - Classic turn-based combat inspired by the console RPG greats, with a unique overcharge mana system and incredible Battle Bursts.
    - Action-oriented, randomly-generated dungeons loaded with traps, puzzles, and secrets. Use each hero's unique dungeon skills to survive.
    - Choose three of six available heroes to build your adventuring party from the classic Battle Chasers comic series, each with unique abilities, perks, items, and dungeon skills.
    - Explore an overworld peppered with hidden dungeons, rare bosses and randomly appearing friends and foes.
    - Dive into the deep crafting system, using the unique ingredient-overloading system to create epic items!

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar was originally developed by Airship Syndicate.

    Thank you for playing ‘BATTLE CHASERS: NIGHTWAR’!
    Get in touch with HandyGamesTM:
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    Check news on Twitter: @handy_games
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    © GmbH
  • 版本: 1.0.6



    Battle Chasers: Nightwar

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar


    Changed how we read the devices system memory size and reduced the minimum value.
    If the check fails we show a warning but the game does not quit and you can continue playing.


    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 视频
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图


    Works with: iPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XR; iPad Mini 4, 5; iPad Air 2, 3; iPad 5 (2017), 6 (2018); iPad Pro models
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar DOES NOT support: iPhone 5S, 6, 6 Plus; iPad Air, Mini 2, 3; iPod Touch

    Inspired by the classic console greats, Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a wild adventure featuring deep dungeon diving, turn-based combat presented in a classic JRPG format, and a rich story driven by the exploration of the world. Help young Gully on her quest to find her lost father Aramus – a famous hero, who ventured into the dangerous grounds and mysteriously disappeared. Gully receives help from 5 unlikely heroes, each with their own unique abilities, perks, items and dungeon skills. Together the party will help Gully with her search and discover what dangers lurk in the wilds.

    Use classic turn-based combat tactics! Up to three fighters per side will battle it out, in tactically demanding encounters.

    A huge world awaits brave adventurers! Discover the secrets in the dark and mysterious forests, brace yourself against the icy horrors in frosty regions or fight wave after wave of enemies in Tolka’s Arena!

    Each of your six heroes wears armor, carries a weapon and is equipped with fine magical jewelry – and everything can be crafted.

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar is packed with enemies! Bandits, Beasts, Demons, Elementals, Machines, Undead – you name it! It’s crucial to react properly to the enemy’s attacks. If you don’t synergize the efforts of your heroes, your adventure will be short-lived.

    - Classic turn-based combat inspired by the console RPG greats, with a unique overcharge mana system and incredible Battle Bursts.
    - Action-oriented, randomly-generated dungeons loaded with traps, puzzles, and secrets. Use each hero's unique dungeon skills to survive.
    - Choose three of six available heroes to build your adventuring party from the classic Battle Chasers comic series, each with unique abilities, perks, items, and dungeon skills.
    - Explore an overworld peppered with hidden dungeons, rare bosses and randomly appearing friends and foes.
    - Dive into the deep crafting system, using the unique ingredient-overloading system to create epic items!

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar was originally developed by Airship Syndicate.

    Thank you for playing ‘BATTLE CHASERS: NIGHTWAR’!
    Get in touch with HandyGamesTM:
    Join us on Facebook: HandyGames
    Subscribe to our YouTube channel: HandyGames
    Check news on Twitter: @handy_games
    Follow us on Instagram: handygames


    © GmbH
  • 版本: 1.0.5



    Battle Chasers: Nightwar

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar


    Bug fixing and performance improvements


    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 视频
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar App 截图


    Works with: iPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XR; iPad Mini 4, 5; iPad Air 2, 3; iPad 5 (2017), 6 (2018); iPad Pro models
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar DOES NOT support: iPhone 5S, 6, 6 Plus; iPad Air, Mini 2, 3; iPod Touch

    Inspired by the classic console greats, Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a wild adventure featuring deep dungeon diving, turn-based combat presented in a classic JRPG format, and a rich story driven by the exploration of the world. Help young Gully on her quest to find her lost father Aramus – a famous hero, who ventured into the dangerous grounds and mysteriously disappeared. Gully receives help from 5 unlikely heroes, each with their own unique abilities, perks, items and dungeon skills. Together the party will help Gully with her search and discover what dangers lurk in the wilds.

    Use classic turn-based combat tactics! Up to three fighters per side will battle it out, in tactically demanding encounters.

    A huge world awaits brave adventurers! Discover the secrets in the dark and mysterious forests, brace yourself against the icy horrors in frosty regions or fight wave after wave of enemies in Tolka’s Arena!

    Each of your six heroes wears armor, carries a weapon and is equipped with fine magical jewelry – and everything can be crafted.

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar is packed with enemies! Bandits, Beasts, Demons, Elementals, Machines, Undead – you name it! It’s crucial to react properly to the enemy’s attacks. If you don’t synergize the efforts of your heroes, your adventure will be short-lived.

    - Classic turn-based combat inspired by the console RPG greats, with a unique overcharge mana system and incredible Battle Bursts.
    - Action-oriented, randomly-generated dungeons loaded with traps, puzzles, and secrets. Use each hero's unique dungeon skills to survive.
    - Choose three of six available heroes to build your adventuring party from the classic Battle Chasers comic series, each with unique abilities, perks, items, and dungeon skills.
    - Explore an overworld peppered with hidden dungeons, rare bosses and randomly appearing friends and foes.
    - Dive into the deep crafting system, using the unique ingredient-overloading system to create epic items!

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar was originally developed by Airship Syndicate.

    Thank you for playing ‘BATTLE CHASERS: NIGHTWAR’!
    Get in touch with HandyGamesTM:
    Join us on Facebook: HandyGames
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    Check news on Twitter: @handy_games
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